Subsurface Drainage System
Working Depths to 60"
Subsurface drain your fields for much lower cost per acre than tile drainage.
No need to install expensive tile drainage.
120" wheel centres for row crop use
Hydraulic safety trip system
LIDAR Compatible
Operate using SD DRAIN - Simple Dynamic Drainage Solution (view below)

SD DRAIN - Simple Dynamic Drainage Solution
TILE - Automatic RTK GPS Tile Plow Control
Survey Downhill
Real time profile generation
Option to Pause/Resume Survey
Design Line Best Fit function
Simple edit functions for Design Line
Tile Uphill
On the go Auto Redesign
Miltiple Views
3D Topography Map
Export Shape File of Finished Field
Laser Function
Save, Recall & Import Benchmarks
Preplan Tile Lines in ADMS
Import Preplanned Lines
SD Tile Recognizes individual line parameters